How do i find an offer?

I received an offer through the message link, but I can’t find the offer. There was no email sent to me about the offer.
How do I find it?

Admin [URL removed] [URL removed]

To [URL removed] Thanks, I never received this order in my email. I received a message from the buyer for price negotiation. The item is still in the cart….not sure I like this system.

[URL removed] The order was in the cart, not checked out. It was cancelled.

asked over 11 years ago

4 Answers

It looks as if Admin added the following link to your [URL removed]

[URL removed]

Have you tried clicking on it to see if that is, in fact, the offer in question?

answered over 11 years ago

Well, I have been all over this site trying to find offer #[phone number removed]….where is it? How do I find it?

answered over 11 years ago

Chicago, I’m not sure if it would be here exactly (although pretty sure), but try under your My Bonanza link. Once you click on that link look to the left side of the page under the My Booth heading and then click on Open Negotiations….this would be from the seller aspect.

From the buyer aspect, look under the Buying Activity heading and then the All Other Offers link.

answered over 11 years ago

As TipTop says…try

My Bonanza
My Booth
Open Negotiations-true offers open for negotiations (changing prices-counter offers)
or All other offers-offers that are missing information

if the Offer is not there (and considering that you did not get an email, it might not be). I am concerned that you said you got the offer through the message system, because that should not happen…you should get an email from bonanza, the fact that there is a transaction number without a notification is unusual too.

The other possibility is that the offer was a purchase that was not completed due to the fact the buyer did not click on the green button that says something like “Transaction is not complete until”…

The buyer put the item in the cart some time ago and then completed the offer today and there for the date of the offer is some other date and the offer is buried in the month/day when it was put in basket (if that makes sense)

If you cannot find it, you should contact support

![URL removed]

answered over 11 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth
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Viewed: 1713 times

Asked: over 11 years ago

Latest response: over 11 years ago

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