How do i increase traffic without spending money?

So I just started on Bonanza a little over a week ago, and I also sell on eBay. I have 900 times the people on eBay looking at my auctions than here. Are there just not enough people using this site yet? Literally in the past week and a half over 900+ have viewed my eBay items and only 1 person has viewed my Bonanza items and that was my friend testing for me to see if this site worked.

asked over 7 years ago


FrogAndBearCreations says: October 03, 2016

promote your booth or webstore on social media!

FrogAndBearCreations says: October 03, 2016

also offer coupons and discounts while promoting on social media

6 Answers

Some good answers here. My added suggestion is take a serious look at the Google requirements for your products. Take all of the special characters (1/25 for instance)from the titles. Google does not allow “characters” in the titles. Also might consider more than one payment method (Paypal only turns off a lot of people- I don’t know why as we’ve used it for 12 year with no problems} Do your items require UPC, MPN, GTIN codes? Now required by Google Shopping. Consider an advertising level- at basic 3.5% your items will go to Google organic but item could be waaaayyyyy down on the list. The list is endless and unfortunately we are all at the mercy of the Google gods. You don’t have to comply with their demands but don’t expect something for nothing. It’s a lot of time, work and frustration but if you’re willing to put in the work it will pay off. If you are doing well at eBay keep those listings there but as you add them to Bonanza make sure you are adding them in compliance with Google Shopping or it’s a lot of work and time for no return. Hope there is something useful there for you :-) Good luck here- Free is the best price there is and it’s offered here for your booth listings.

answered over 7 years ago

I just started selling here myself, and I think you have the wrong impression of what Bonanza is offering you. While people can come here and shop, and in time there will be more people, here’s what you should consider. Think of Bonanza as a launch pad. Yes, you may get more people viewing your booth on eBay, but you pay for that traffic, regardless of whether they buy or not. Here it is different; you pay only for sales you make. It’s up to you to use social media, direct email, and other promotions to drive people to your booth. You have to guide your own ship here, Bonanza gives you the booth, you create the sales. So the question really becomes, do you want to pay for traffic or not? I haven’t been here long, but I’ve done a lot of research. You’ll find many, many people here who used to be on eBay, but got tired of the fees. They came here and began using their own promotions to drive traffic to their booths. I went online, did a google search and found several websites with great ideas on promoting online sales. I’m just starting to see some traffic for my efforts, and personally, I’d rather keep my money and do it myself. But that’s a question only you can answer for yourself. Are you making good money at eBay? If you don’t mind the fees, then perhaps you should stay where you are. If, on the other hand, you’d rather promote your own business and pay only for sales, you’ve came to the right place. It may take a hour or more a day to promote yourself, but ‘sweat equity’ pays off.

answered over 7 years ago

1 Comment

EmbellishMart says: October 04, 2016

“Bonanza gives you the booth, you create the sales.” Excellent statement, for other venues as well. More sellers that I run across really need to take this to heart!

[URL removed]

[URL removed]

Welcome to Bonanza and good luck!

answered over 7 years ago

Serioulsy, the forums are getting spammed now? Leather_Master, very unprofessional of you.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


EmbellishMart says: October 02, 2016

I do agree. Nothing wrong with promoting, but this is the wrong type, and in poor taste.

MomentsInThyme says: October 02, 2016

He should be reported there’s another spam on another topic same seller

MomentsInThyme says: October 02, 2016

I have reported it to support with a screen shot and that another topic was hit as well. Asked to please take a look.

Jewelsbelegance says: October 02, 2016

I took a look at this new booth & Leather Master has also spammed this person’s endorsement section. beyond unprofessional, just rude. that should be reported as well. instead of an endorsement he put the same advertising message as he did in this forum

Jewelsbelegance says: October 02, 2016

& I just read another question in the forum, where Leather Master had done the same thing, so I checked the last few topics & this is the 4th one he has inserted advertising into. selfish & unprofessional, not to mention totally unhelpful to the people here looking for advice

EmbellishMart says: October 04, 2016

I saw them all over, and I just got tired, lol. Ridiculous!

Jewelsbelegance says: October 04, 2016

totally obnoxious & inappropriate

Hello Tamiya_[URL removed]

One way is to use Bonanza Feed Partners [URL removed] [URL removed] You decide where you want your ads to appear, and you pay the % fee only when you make a sale. Leave your advertising level at the default, or set it higher. It is sort of like not paying, because you don’t pay upfront.

Welcome to Bonanza!
“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

answered over 7 years ago

Hello, The best way to get people to visit your shop is to use, Pinterest ,Twitter ,, ,, , , Facebook, and RebelMouse.
Next is to get a lot of people to promote your shop.

Have a Great Day!!!

answered over 7 years ago

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