How do i view bonanza blog responces?

I have been trying to read the responses to the Bonanza Blog about the “Product Catalog now live in search” ~ Depending on which screen I see there have been 15 -19 responses but I haven’t been able to find more than 7 of them. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong. I have tried everything I can think of but I still can only find 7 responses and 7 answers. I don’t understand much about the “Product Catalog” and could use any insight I could get. Has anyone else had this problem? Where do I go to read the rest of the responses and answers?

asked almost 11 years ago


BookbinEtc says: June 09, 2013

Some comments don’t get approved, which is why there is a discrepancy between the total number of comments and the number of viewable comments.

xxPhyndz says: June 12, 2013

And I’m wondering why there are “0” comments for the latest blog “What we are working on…” Are comments no longer going to be accepted?

1 Answer

I think that the responses count as a comment as well, so you’re seeing probably 14 of the 19. I believe there’s a delay between sending a comment and its being posted on the blog. It being the weekend, I’d check again tomorrow.

answered almost 11 years ago

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Viewed: 1962 times

Asked: almost 11 years ago

Latest response: almost 11 years ago

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