How long does it take to get booth approval?

Hello. It has been several days since I have received the banner stating booth should be approved within next 24-48 hours and still nothing. Is there something I haven’t done to start the process? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Anna

asked almost 6 years ago

2 Answers

You need to contact support. Here is the link

You might also try to update your booth by going to the selling dashboard located at the top left corner of your home page, selecting ‘add or edit items’ and selecting the green button that says update your booth on the right had side of the page to see if that makes a difference.

I hope you get your booth up and running soon.

answered almost 6 years ago

This is an official Bonanza response.

Thank you for all of your patience during this process @bonzuser_riibk. We went ahead and approved your booth and your items are now online. If there’s anything else we can help you with, please contact us in support by following the link abigdogmom posted.

answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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