How to get feedback?

How do you get your customers to leave feedback?
I would love to sign up for direct checkout, but you have to have a certain amount of feedback. For some reason my customers don’t leave feedback. I have gotten emails from some of them telling me how much they love their bags, but no one has left feedback.
Direct checkout really helped my sales at etsy!

asked almost 10 years ago

2 Answers

One of the biggest reasons that feedback is scarce here is because most of our customers come from outside sources like Google, Bing, Twitter, etc. and are taken directly to the product page. As a result, many don’t see your booth, or know you even have one. When I receive an email from a buyer who is clearly happy who has not left feedback, I make sure I have given them their feedback and ask them to kindly leave good feedback for you. Include the link to your feedback page to make it easy. Consider using the feature of a discount that they get after they give positive feedback—find that on the discount tab in booth options. For buyers that do not contact you, it is probably best to leave them be. Even if they are happy with the product, they may not be happy about the reminder.

As for direct checkout here is a [URL removed]
“As of this early launch, we are requiring booths to have at least 10 transactions on Bonanza to be eligible, as well as a good record of feedback and few refunds/chargebacks. The rules are pretty stringent at the moment, but as mentioned above, we are hoping to relax them as we build experience.”

You obviously have 22 sales. I say that because if you had bought something, that seller would have left you feedback and your 2 feedback is buyers only.

Two [URL removed] 1. Import any feedback you have from other sites to give you more credibility. And 2. Contact support and ask them to let you sign up because you have more than double the required sales.

Good Luck and Happy Selling!

PS Just faved you for Christmas shopping later.

answered almost 10 years ago

So feedback imported from my etsy shop would be considered?
Never thought of that!
How do I do it?
Can’t figure it out!

answered almost 10 years ago


SegundaVez says: September 14, 2014

I don’t know about Etsy. I imported feedback from eBay. Ask that as a separate question and someone else will see it and answer it for you that has experience with Etsy.

SegundaVez says: September 14, 2014

Even if it does not import from Etsy, you could contact support and make your case with them by the number of sales here and ask them to look at your Etsy feedback.

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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