I cannot leave feedback anymore.. help

I’ve been on here since 2008. and never had an issue with leaving feedback until lately. please help. it lets me write up what I want. but I cannot get it to go through. what did Bonanza do to change this?


asked almost 6 years ago

3 Answers

Forgive me if this is too simplistic – but it took me a while to realize that you have to rate the “Stars” as well as compose your feedback before it will allow you to post it.

answered almost 6 years ago

Hi. I’ve found that after you click the stars then type in your feedback, I have to backspace one letter for it to allow me to enter. So, just add an extra letter that you don’t need, then backspace and the button lights up to submit it. Hope this helps.

answered almost 6 years ago

Hello Everyone! I am very happy to share one of the great gaming information with all of you. I am playing Online robux [URL removed] and inviting to join me. Thank you so much.

answered about 3 years ago

Reputation: 20
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Viewed: 841 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: about 3 years ago

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