I guess i got up on the wrong side of the bed this a.m., but this really bothers me

I think Bonanza needs to do something to stop okanga101 from commenting on the forum posts basically trying to gain email access. I suspect this is a skanky online dating thing and could possibly be a hacking danger. I just had to get say something about it this morning.

asked almost 6 years ago


loves_birds says: August 02, 2018

It’s an online dating service. I had to ask a friend. lol ;)

misskeech says: August 02, 2018

Where are they posting? I dont see it…..Did you contact bonanza support about it also?

EmpressDepot says: August 02, 2018

Here’s how I replied to Okanga101 on my thread I started about 3 days ago. I should not have but I could not resist [URL removed]

EmpressDepot says: August 02, 2018

Dear Okanga. No. Perhaps your request went to Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn or a new planet founded in 2015 that is 13, 000 light years away from earth.

abigdogmom says: August 02, 2018

I saw your reply, and thought it was cute and witty. They are commenting on almost every forum question. Shady characters in my opinion.

EmpressDepot says: August 02, 2018

TY. Yes, it irked me. I bet now you will wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow morning (just kidding with you, friend).

abigdogmom says: August 03, 2018

Just as you predicted, dear lady, my mood is better this morning :)

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Accept hover

Thanks for bringing this up @abigdogmom! I noticed this a few days ago and can confirm that the user has been removed from the site. We apologize for the troubles this seller has caused and if you see this type of behavior in the future, we ask that you reach out to us so we can take immediate action.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day :)

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

abigdogmom says: August 02, 2018

Thank you so much.

I know how difficult it is for black guys to find online dating platforms that are safe and meet all the quality criteria! I highly recommend that you go to [URL removed] ! The review that I found completely by accident. Or maybe not, because after that I found my black love!

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 40

Russian women are definitely some of the most stable partners you can find for a relationship. Last I heard from my friend who’s into such girl, [URL removed] is the website you should navigate to in order to chat online with them. You’ll easily be able to communicate with Russian chicks there, so don’t waste any more time.

answered about 3 years ago

Reputation: 30

1 Comment

KateS613 says: November 11, 2021

" I am actively promoting my VR project for adult audience [URL removed] and I think OmniPad will be the future of this industry. I hope everyone here understands that the main impetus in the development of this technology will be given by sites for adults, as well as online casinos? "

I just like something exceptional rather than dating sites around the world! You could have a look at this [URL removed] site for having more cam chat room facilities with your desired girls. They have a user friendly platform for all with their cam chat facilities! Thanks for sharing this post with us!

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 20
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Viewed: 1539 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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