I haven't received my order

I ordered a CD (duets). From mayes7933. I can’t find a way to get him to tell me where it is. I’m concerned. Please help if you can

asked almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 10
4 Answers

There could be many reasons you have not heard back from the seller, we just had a holiday possibly they are away or on vacation. But if it has been a substantial amount of time and if you paid thru paypal, you can contact paypal and tell them your issue. I believe you have up to 6 months to do this.

answered almost 7 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

We don’t see “mayes7933” booth here (booth’s names are searchable in the B. general search box).

Please, check on the profile page in the booth of Your purchase, when the seller was logged in last time (it’s in the same place, where Your data are [URL removed] TonyT321 joined 07/05/17 active 07/05/17).

I believe, You probably made a purchase from Your other account, otherwise You wouldn’t ask about Your item on the public forum just the next day after buying, would You?
However, I really understand You concern.

But, in case You bought it yesterday, if You check, when the seller was here online, it will show You, if she/he already noticed Your order. And on the right side of these date numbers there is the “Send message” button, which You can also use (in addition to the “Send them a message” link under the seller’s username on the transaction).

As Misskeech wrote, it can be due to holiday…

Let’s hope it’s the case and that the seller will contact You soon.

Otherwise, 14 days after Your order date or the day after the estimated delivery date (whichever is sooner) check at the bottom of the order summary – the “Report a problem” link should appear, so You can open a dispute.
And to get You money back, You will need to file a claim with the processor, which You’ve used to pay.

Good luck!

Edited after @loves_birds’s helpful [URL removed]

Your seller’s booth didn’t show up in a general search (probably due to vacation mode), but it is accessible via direct link added below by @loves_birds.

Since the booth’s owner is on vacation from June 24th (or earlier), please, address Your issue at [email protected], they can call her/him and then inform You, when the seller will be back (since there is no announcement about the return date neither in the booth nor on the profile page).

answered almost 7 years ago

mayes7933’s booth is on vacation.


answered almost 7 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: July 06, 2017

Thank You very much for adding this link, @loves_birds!, as it gives the direct answer that the seller is on vacation from June 24th. I use to check for booths in B. search box and e.g. I can find Your booth, but the search didn’t show Mayes7933 ![URL removed]

ArtistsUnion says: July 06, 2017

Thanks to You, I shall assume that booths on vacation are not searchable in the B. main search box, so from now on, as a buyer, if needed, I will check only direct link to the booth. Thank You. Best regards.

loves_birds says: July 06, 2017

I’m not sure how a purchase was made if the booth was on vacation, unless the transaction was made just before the seller put the booth on vacation.

ArtistsUnion says: July 07, 2017

Yes, since items are not visible online during the vacation mode, this order was placed prior to the booth’s status change.

Even if a booth is on vacation, all orders should be completed once they have been recieved & paid for. Even if the order was recieved 5 minutes before the booth was put on vacation mode, if a customer has paid, the seller has a responsibility to complete the paid order in a timely & courteous fashion. An order cannot be placed to a booth that is on vacation so it had to be recieved while open. Contact PayPal or whatever payment processor asap

answered almost 7 years ago

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Asked: almost 7 years ago

Latest response: almost 7 years ago

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