I need help figuring out my booth....

I am very confused about my booth. Apparently I have a web store too. I am trying to figure out out I can make categories to separate my items instead of just have pages of unorganized postings. I am unsuccessful in finding any real help. Is there anyone who can explain the difference between a web-store and the booth? Are they one in the same? Navigating has been a bit of a challenge.

asked over 8 years ago

1 Answer

No a webstore and a booth are not the same thing…you accidentally signed up for the Webstore when registering (this is a newer option and I really have no idea what is involved) but I believe that you have a 30 day free trial for the webstore…so maybe you should see if you can find the cancellation link for it…hopefully there will be someone who can help with that…

[URL removed]

The booth is different and it is easy to make custom categories for it…

here is link [URL removed]

Here is the instructions for customization of webstore

[URL removed]

The booth and the webstore are linked in that what is in the booth is in the webstore and you cannot have a webstore without a booth…

Personally, if you wish to have a webstore and a booth…you should establish and get the booth going before even considering a webstore….if the booth isn’t going to work for you then the webstore won’t either, and at least with a booth there is no fees involved, until something sells and there is a monthly fee after the free trial for the webstore

answered over 8 years ago

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Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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