I seem to have two profile names: lianna and chicago0048

Same password, but when I look at the right top of the screen, One time it says Lianna and another time it says Chicago0048. Which one is it?

Also, what are the steps to Update the booth?

asked about 6 years ago

2 Answers

It sounds like you may have created two different accounts using different email addresses, but with the same password. On Bonanza, you can “link” your accounts together, making it easier to switch back-and-forth between the accounts without having to log out of one account and log in to another account.

Check the user/seller settings on both accounts to make sure they are both your accounts. Do that under the “Account” menu in the top left corner of the Bonanza page.

To update a booth, go to the “Add or edit items” menu (under the “Selling” menu). On that page, click the big green button that states “Update your booth”.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 6 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

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answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: about 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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