Is there a way to see how many people have or are visiting my products on bonanza?

I would like to see how many viewers have visited my items. Daily would be nice but ANY show of viewers would be great .

asked about 8 years ago

4 Answers

Hi iceprince,

Go to the top under “selling” click on there
Next click on “view stats”
The top of the pages show the last 30 days which you can click on each light blue bar which will show
1. How many views that day
2. Amount of solds
3. Amount of revenue

Further down the page click on “Detailed Report” on your far right
The report will show total views of each item

Hope this helps. Good luck!


selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 8 years ago


misskeech says: June 01, 2016

Thanks for that MomentsInThyme!

MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

Your welcome misskeech. Hope your having a great day.

Hello [URL removed]

The “Detailed Report” is available to members with subscriptions. I don’t have one, so clicking on “Detailed Report” on your far right, as MomentsInThyme shared, gave me this [URL removed]

“Want more sales info? With a Bonanza membership, you can see sales and revenue data for each of your items. Sign up now »”

“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

answered about 8 years ago


MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

I only have a booth. No membership or subscriptions. I have been a booth only since 2012.

misskeech says: June 01, 2016

I only have a booth also, no membership, and I was able to view everything that MomentsInThyme described.

MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

Yes misskeech I love free lol the seller iceprince never mentioned if a free booth or membership. I based my answer on a free booth. I have no idea how the membership sellers view their reports.

Another way is to go to the item you want to know about……scroll all the way down till you see “Listing Details” under that it will show how many views that day….I dont know how accurate it is however, and I believe every time YOU view it, it also counts as another view.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

misskeech thank you for your help. I have to go and try this as I never had. Cross fingers it works lol

MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

Wow your good misskeech I forgot that yes the listing shows the view, but will it count as a view when opened under “view booth”?

misskeech says: June 01, 2016

Lol. Not really, just been here awile MomentsinThyme![URL removed] As far as i know, it will still count you looking at your own item as a “vew” I know it used to, and i dont think its been changed. You can test it, just look at one of your items, leave, then go back in and look at the same item

MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

misskeech Yes it’s counting my views. Great I just messed up the report lol

The information iceprince is looking for was formerly available under the old set-up. It was possible to see daily item views, both actual and bots with actual. That useful element was dropped with the new layout which in IMO has a primary focus on monetizing useful info. Pro Member Monitor Item View Traffic; And with [URL removed] Get daily updates on high and low traffic items as a Platinum Member! It’s available currently but only at a price.

The problem with the other way mentioned is that one can only go as low as 7 days. Each of the blue bars will show the same 10 items each day that were the most viewed for that seven days.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 276
See sheepish's booth


MomentsInThyme says: June 01, 2016

How would I have known iceprince was looking for information under the old set up? Wondering if I missed something here.

sheepish says: June 01, 2016

He was asking if the info was available. I, not he, referred to the former set-up where it had been available..

misskeech says: June 01, 2016

Nothing was stated about a “former set up”

sheepish says: June 02, 2016

So sorry Didn’t intend to bother you with a fact. One can still pay for the info that shows daily item views.

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