Is this possible to do with campaigns?

Under our customer list for campaigns, I see Saved Lists.

I am wondering if it is possible to add customers under lists according to which category they have purchased from me in the past.

For example, there is a category that I try to add new stuff to whenever I can.

I’d like to be able to do a saved list for this category and place my customers under this list who have purchased from this category in the past…and then set up a campaign to target this specific list, plus I could be more specific in the discount I want to offer rather than just thinking of a general discount based on every category in my booth to all followers.

By being able to do this, I could also place an emphasis on wording that mentions the category they have purchased from in the past.

Sorry, still working out the details in my head. I imagine I cannot do the discount specific to the category, fine if I cannot though it would be icing on the cake.
But knowing if I can do a Saved List in the first place would be helpful.

Is this possible?



asked over 5 years ago

5 Answers

A Campaign could abridge the number of individuals focused in a gathering pledges request, what number of reacted. An alternate Campaign could condense the number of individuals welcome to an event, attendance, cancellations! [URL removed]

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12

If you have taken the emails of your customers then you must go for MailChimp. It is the best tool for sending updates about your product or whatever you want to share with your customers. One of the leading firms UK essay help removed] has also used this to acknowledge its clients.

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

There are different ways of organizing a campaign, start with choosing the influence strategy. A campaign is built to accomplish a particular objective raising awareness or establishing a brand. As a campaign manager, my duty was advertising, polling, and fundraising.
[URL removed] [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 14

if you are intended to Get more Customers via your website. You have to use a professional Free Web Chat Application For Providing Customer Support And Gain Visitors Insights. Here is the Free Chat App ([URL removed]

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Hello @bethalstephen. I am running an online nursery in Islamabad. can you please help me in getting more clients in Islamabad? Here is my website [URL removed]

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 1312 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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