Is trustpilot legit

They say they are partnered with bonanza on disputes. Are they legit?

asked over 8 years ago

1 Comment

cshort0319 says: May 28, 2016

I’ve never heard of trustpilot myself. Will be interested to learn more about it? them?

6 Answers

I know nothing more than what an internet search [URL removed]

[URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago

I dont know. But i did receive a strange email from them, something about rating Bonanza. I never did anything with it however. Maybe someone from support will show up and let us know.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

cshort0319 says: May 29, 2016

I got that, too, come to think of it. It sounded to me like a vanity survey, and I just ignored it. I do not recall ‘partnering with Bonanza on disputes’ though.

It looks like an independent company trying to collect company reviews on their website for customer transactions. It appears to work in a similar manner to tripadvisor or yelp.

According to trustpilot, Bonanza “subscribes to Trustpilot’s paid business services” and Bonanza “has sent more than 50 invitations with Trustpilot’s tools over the last year.” That would imply that Bonanza is subscribing to a service to collect feedback from buyers/sellers about their Bonanza transactions.

Whether all of this is true or not will have to be answered by Bonanza Support.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Yes Trustpilot is legit per Judy at Bonanza Support. I wrote support on Thursday regarding the email because the letter states if you’ve made a recent purchase, let us know what you think. I have not made a purchase on Bonanza, but I was sent an email which [URL removed] Thank you for your email and your interest in posting a review. The transaction id is your last purchase made here at Bonanza. If no purchase has been made the following can be used. A six digit number was given to me.
Hope this helps everyone.

answered over 8 years ago


Susansweaters_Sewing says: May 29, 2016

Thanks for the info

MomentsInThyme says: May 30, 2016

Your welcome Susansweaters_Sewing! Have a beautiful day.

Trustpilot is a review site. I’ve found over a half dozen such sites that users of Bonanza (and other sites) go to express their experiences. Check out the Bonanza segment of their site. [URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago

I clicked the link in email, but ignored the site.
BUT…the more sites advertise Bonanza thru reviews, the better.

answered over 8 years ago

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