Items imported are not showing the listing description

I imported my items from Ebay and the description is not showing up. I have tried numerous times to edit and the description shows on the edit page but after saving changes and then viewing the item as a buyer would there is no description. It happened on most of my listings, not all of them. What are my options here. I emailed bonanza but have not gotten a response.

asked about 8 years ago

Reputation: 10
See Melange's booth
1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi @ Melange,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the trouble. We took a look at several of your listings and are able to view descriptions. It sounds like you may be experiencing a cache issue. We often find that clearing your cache and browser history resolves the problem. Here are instructions on how to clear your [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Our site features tend work best on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Please make sure that you are working with the most up-to-date version of your browser. If clearing your current browser’s cache does not resolve your issue, we recommend using a different browser or device to see if the problem persists.

If you continue to experience issues, please send examples to 2-3 listings where the descriptions didn’t import to [email protected] where we have the tools to assist you.

answered about 8 years ago

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Viewed: 667 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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