Where is the best place to get Raw Hide?

I need some raw hide scraps to protect my silver when I hammer it. 4" square pieces would be great.

asked over 13 years ago

8 Answers

Have you tried posting under Items Wanted to see if others might have some to either sell or send? Good Luck!

answered over 13 years ago

Could it be leather? If I didn’t toss it, I may have a man’s wide leather belt that would work, I need to look but can’t until I get home from my day job. Please bmail me or I’m going to forget to look by the time I get home.

answered over 13 years ago

I’ve often used cast-off & resale shop mens and womens boots as a leather source .

answered over 13 years ago

Thanks johngermaine. But it does have to be raw (soft) leather.

answered over 13 years ago

Not rawhide, but I use cheapo white poly kitchen cutting boards for work-hardening silver without marring it. Just put your silver between two of the boards and hammer away :-)

answered over 13 years ago

Hobby Lobby and Michael’s (and I would assume other hobby and craft stores) usually carry scrap pieces of leather. I’ve never paid more than a couple of bucks for them. Hope this helps and good luck!

answered over 13 years ago

Maybe you could find an old handbag or a soft leather jacket at a thrift store that could be cut up. Or perhaps there is a leather tannery or fur shop that would have scraps. I have seen leather scraps sold at craft/sewing shows also.

answered over 13 years ago

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does it need to be “raw” not tanned?

I have tons of deerskin scraps in gold, cream colors and I think some brown/rust color
its very soft I also have cowhide that would work for your need, its upholstry leather

answered over 13 years ago

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Asked: over 13 years ago

Latest response: over 13 years ago

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