Looking for an id on this pretty old butter dish

I have searched and searched for an ID on this piece to no avail. Can anyone help please?

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asked almost 13 years ago

4 Answers

Hi, I use this EAPG Patterns website and perhaps you might also look into this site within your research @> www.eapgpatterns.com

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Those EAPG patterns can be tricky. Beautiful butter dish and fabulous picture!

It looks like US Glass Wisconsin pattern, AKA Beaded Dewdrop.

There’s a not very good picture of the butter dish lid on this [URL removed]

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There’s also a picture of the butter dish lid on this site, patterns are listed alphabetically, scroll down until you get to the W’s and the Wisconsin butter dish [URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered almost 13 years ago

Thank you so much, that is the pattern!!

answered almost 13 years ago

I see you already have an answer but here is another good site for glass etch and patterns…
[URL removed]

For any future references ;)

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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