No notifications for sales?

Do we still get notifications in our booth when we get a sale? Just received one today, and received an email but nothing at all lit up in my booth. Wondering if bonanza stopped this?

asked almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


misskeech says: September 09, 2018

NM. Took a couple of hours, but finally got notification

EmpressDepot says: September 09, 2018

Notifications seem to take a bit longer than they usually do lately but I think yours took extra long :)

misskeech says: September 09, 2018

I think so also Empress. Usually everything is lit up and waiting when i go to Bonanza.

5 Answers

It does still notify us, just seems to take a couple hours to kick in, I have the same issue with each sale.

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

misskeech says: September 09, 2018

Thank you FantasticFinds

I am having the same issue. I just had two sales and was notified by email and by PayPal but nothing showed up in my booth, until a few hours had passed. They do show if I go to recent sales and look for them. Sales used to show up at the top of the page and it was easy to spot. It has been this way for a while now, but I am sure it is a glitch that will get fixed soon.

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

misskeech says: September 09, 2018

Thank you Starfisher, Exactly, same thing here. and yes i hope it gets fixed soon. Sort of worried me like did i really have a sale or not?

I’ve always had a long delay in being notified in booth. I normally go to my paypal page first and then my e-mail notification.

answered almost 6 years ago

Paypal and bonz email came, but it did not show here in the dashboard until about an hour later

Packed, shipped and entered tracking before the notification actually showed up in my dashboard…

I just put this booth on vacation and items are still active…see if this too is a delay……

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

SparklesJewelry says: September 10, 2018

Thank you. I would have had mine out the door as quickly as you did, however, with it not showing up in my booth, i wanted to make sure there wasn’t a problem with the order.

The first thing I do when I log on is to check Booth Stats, they show up there as soon as an item is sold. I also get an email in my Yahoo account. Just start checking your Stats first and you should see your sales.

answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: almost 6 years ago

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