Not a question, just ebay's latest updates coming to sellers' detriment.

Here’s the link [URL removed]
Oh how lucky we are to have Bonanza and other venues.

asked almost 6 years ago


Atomicdiner says: November 08, 2018

Ebay is a sinking ship (trying to copy Amazon) and with new payment there coming soon, hopefully will be their demise. More traffic for here (HOPEFULLY).

bargainbuffet4you says: November 09, 2018

eBay’s motto must be It’s always easier to spend other peoples’ money. I do like getting a bargain but I also believe that no one works for free. It has to be a win win transaction but obviously as long as eBay can get it’s cut, that’s all that matters, especially with all the upcoming new changes.

zappys_closet says: November 11, 2018

If and when ebay is gone Amazon will totally take over. If your hoping for eBay to be gone I certainly hope you are ready to deal with the nightmare that’s called Amazon

2 Answers

That was a fun read :)

answered almost 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing the link. I have not read it yet but plan to. I’ve always been happy to sell on eBay from time to time and years ago did it more than that, so its gonna have to be some really bad news :)

There’s another site on the internet where there has been a whole lot of changes and that one I just do not think I can do it. The good news is that I do not have anything listed over there right now.

Yes, thank God for Bonanza.

Editing to [URL removed]
Ok. I read it. I do not like eBay forcing sellers to receive notification on emails from shoppers wanting to make an offer. It should always be up to a seller if he/she wants to offer OBO.

There’s another thing I do not like….but I’ll have to read back over the article again.

answered almost 6 years ago


KarensCollections says: November 09, 2018

The comments were fun to read. ")

EmpressDepot says: November 09, 2018

lol. I know. I wanted to post that I wonder what the guy was drinking when he thought many of the new changes up.

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