Not feeling too happy with google shopping right now

Hi. It is really discouraging when I start looking around in Google shopping at my listings.

Tonight I noticed one of my listings, which is one that has only a few of this same item on Google shopping and it is under its own photo link, where Google shopping does not give a true description of the item.

It’s like they used a description from a similar item.

Here’s what I mean. See this link [URL removed]

[URL removed]

In Google shopping’s description, it states that the item shapes from the waist to the knee. But this is not true. On the back of the package it clearly states that it shapes from the waist to the mid calf, which I put in my description.

Here’s the link straight to my listing (please see the second photo so you can see what I mean and please click this link below rather than clicking from Google shopping to go to my listing in my booth):[phone number removed]
Plus another thing I do not like is that when reviews say “this seller did not” or what have you, to me it always makes it sound like the person selling the listing at the time is the one the review reflects on. It drives me nuts that sites are not recognizing that reviews should not go ahead and be left unless the review pertains to the actual item instead of pertaining to the item AND the seller.

Do any of you think these types of reviews reflect on the seller at all when they are left?

I’m sorry. I do not like to be negative and would much rather be positive. So tired of having to depend on Google shopping. Yes, I get sales through there, which has to be a miracle the way that they are running the shopping experience on there.

Has this been a common occurrence for you when seeing your listings on Google shopping? Or have you ran into other weird things on Google shopping that should not be happening. I’m curious to know. If so, did you do anything to help combat the problem there?



asked almost 6 years ago


FrogAndBearCreations says: September 11, 2018

I do not pay too much attention to the google shopping as it always says I have items that violate the “spam policy” when there is absolutely nothing spammy in my listing

FrogAndBearCreations says: September 11, 2018

they are full of spam when they say I cannot use “cloisone” “coral” or “fossil” in listing that are exactly that

EmpressDepot says: September 11, 2018

Right, and this is where it is frustrating. I’ll see listings that are not supposed to be in Google shopping due to their rules while the same of mine is left out. These listings that I see do stay in there for a loooooong time. I assume when they are no longer in Google shopping it is because…

EmpressDepot says: September 11, 2018

it has sold. If it was only in there for a short time, I’d say Google shopping took it down but not when it has been in there for such a long time.

3 Answers

I have given up on google Shopping. I really dont care about it anymore. they keep saying there are things wrong with my items but they never say what, the descriptions of the items I do happen to find (every now and then) on GS are horrible. So now i dont even pay attention to GS. If someone wants to purchase they will find me another way, and i’m fine with that.

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: September 11, 2018

I want to be able to say I have given up on Google shopping. It’s the only way I get any sales. None through Google organic and none on Bonanza directly. One on Bing. I don’t know….

I’m gonna have to start using at least one of the social sites to promote myself. I’d like to just be able to stick to Pinterest as the other ones in the past I end up spending too much time on.

I’ve never understood Wanelo or Tumbler.

Instagram looks interesting but I forget now why I decided no about it.

I probably should have made this thread about social sites….like where do you promote, which one have you have found that works well for you, which social sites were difficult to understand but then you eventually did and you like it, which one flat out did not work for you and why…etc, etc.


answered almost 6 years ago


Eric_St_James says: September 12, 2018

Because of the problems arising with Google (New browser just released, that’s another story) we have left Bonz and moved on. Solace Garden has closed their booth, and extensively is now using social media and Video. At the Webmaster, it was not effective for views, sales, or anything of that nature

Eric_St_James says: September 12, 2018

AS the Webmaster

facebook fan/business page self promoted to groups I belong to

answered almost 6 years ago

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