Question about questions

I don’t understand why Bonanza puts old, outdated (sometimes by years) questions here WITH NO ANSWERS to the questions.

It’s one thing if there are old questions WITH HELPFUL ANSWERS members can refer to for suggestions, but to put old questions with no answers just seems like a waste of space and a big waste of time for anyone reading them!

What am I missing in this feature? It’s not “helpful” nor “entertaining”… or anything actually.

asked almost 4 years ago

1 Answer

“Here” (this community forum) was designed to let Bonanza users (usually sellers) ask questions and get help from other users. Bonanza doesn’t control what questions are asked. Unfortunately, there are users (both new and old members) who may not research the site to see if the question they need help with has already been answered. So, there are many experienced sellers who will sometimes answer those questions if they are knowledgable or have expertise in that area.

Every now and then, Bonanza Support staff will pop into this forum to answer a question or Bonanza staff may direct you to email them at [email protected]

Also, Bonanza does have a HELP page where you can look up different topics that may give you answers to questions you have. Look near the top left corner of most Bonanza webpages.

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 995 times

Asked: almost 4 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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