Question on best offer

If an offer comes in on an item, it says “shipping included” does that mean that the offer they sent over is the total amount of the offer? I know on ebay its a bit tricky, beause of the way they word it, but the shipping is kept seperate from the offer unless the buyer specifies that in the offer.

asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth
3 Answers

They way the best offer is worded, the offers are supposed to be made on the total price (therefore shipping is included) however, many buyers do not see that ‘sentence’ and assume that the offer is on the item price only…They sometimes email me saying that the offer is for item only….if I am unsure that they understood the process than I send them a message…

actually does not say Confirm, In the email you received, it should say

Accept this offer big green button
Deny this offer (gray smaller button)

Also in the email there should be something like [URL removed]

XXXXXX has placed an order, and you have chosen to require approval before the transaction is processed. If the order details below look A-OK, please approve this order. If you cannot fill the order, you may deny it. You can also review this order on Bonanza.

The bold words are links

If you have already accepted the offer..then the buyer now has to complete the transaction.

If you check your items sold…it should say

[URL removed] Awaiting checkout…(or something like that)

I would message the buyer and tell them that you accepted the offer and that it is awaiting completion of checkout.

[URL removed] you receive exact same email that the buyer does (the confirm or complete checkout is for the buyer not you…)

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

1 Comment

misskeech says: August 07, 2014

Thanks CindyBear. Yes, i saw where it said “Approve this order” however, i figured out what happened, where i was supposed to approve the order, was right in my booth, but it was in my OTHER booth! I dont log into that one very often, so i finally figured it out.

Its ok, i don’t need an answer….I went ahead and accepted the offer, HOWEVER, Bonanza says “to complete this offer, click on the confirm button below” Well, i have a message into support cause there IS NO CONFIRM BUTTON! Always something!

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

The few times I have gotten notices that there was an offer that wasn’t a buy it now, it was without shipping, and I had to read carefully and find where it said something like “I will need to edit this after accepting” and alter the invoice to add the shipping.

answered almost 10 years ago

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Viewed: 1533 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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