Save my selections as a new item trait profile? how to apply to new listing?

Hi all,

So, what is the secret to getting item trait profiles to actually work?
I saved several for sizes with different names.

When I go to create a new listing, there is no “saved” profile. It just asks me if I want to save a new profile every time. I see no where to select and apply a previously saved profile anywhere.

This is beyond frustrating. The only time I ever see the apply dropdown is if I edit an existing listing that has already been set up. That doesn’t help… I thought the whole point to saving is so you did not have to retype the “many sizes” for a new listing.

What am I missing?

asked about 8 years ago

2 Answers

Ok, figured out the profiles are category specific. So if you create one for, say, collars it will show up if you list any new items under collars, but not under leashes.

But, I can not get the profiles to actually apply to an edited listing. I go to edit item, select many sizes…. select saved profile… then the message says “profile applied”… but there is nothing there. Saved, went back in. Tried again, nothing.

UPDATE – LOL!I completely misunderstood what the item profiles actually applied to. I thought it was for the drop-down size menus, but it’s only for everything above that section. So… duh…. never mind… ;)

answered about 8 years ago

I have had the same problem so I hope that support answers this one for you soon.

answered about 8 years ago

1 Comment

iluvmypet says: May 31, 2016

I gave up using saved profiles.. If you are listing just one item they are great. But you can’t use them if you want to use “many sizes”, “many colors”, etc. At least for me… Wish they would simplify the Add process & stop all the bells/whistles.

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Viewed: 780 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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