Shoppers can't find you by shop name on mobile?

I’ve sent buyers to Bonanza and they message me to say they are unable to find my shop from the Bonanza front page search bar on mobile. I tried searching myself on my tablet and phone and sure enough it says I don’t exist. How are people supposed to find you by shop name?

asked about 8 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth
5 Answers

Don’t worry, it’s not the case – Yours and all shops can be searched by their name on mobile devices.

I’ve just checked it on my small iPh 4 and Your shop has shown up [URL removed]

![URL removed]

Buyers just have to be very careful while typing, because when You start to write ‘bel’ on iPhone, You will be shown “help” [URL removed] Bel mod, Belmont, etc.
So, if somebody doesn’t notice the difference and clicks at this moment on the search button, then Your shop will not appear.

BTW, congratulations on Your very nice set shop!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 8 years ago

Devotionally gave up even on testing all the above mentioning.

answered about 8 years ago

I did a search using an iPhone and an Android mobile device and successfully found belmodo in both cases. I found your mobile Bonanza link on page 2 of my devices.

You might want to do a search for the name of your booth, not your user ID. In the case of the user “belmodo”, the name of the booth is actually Bel Modo (there is a space between the two words). Watch out for Google changing a search for “bel modo” into “belmodo” automatically. You’ll have to confirm to Google that you did mean to search for “bel modo”.

When searching for belmodo, there are lots of other sites that also show up ( and belmodo fashion days, for instance). Google results show the best match first and then the most popular ones within that search result. So, the more matching keywords you use to search, the more likely you are to be at the top of the search results. That’s why searching for “belmodo bonanza” puts you at the top of the results.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Thanks for checking and the kind words. On Android my shop is not showing up at all through search. I’m seeing, 0 results for “belmodo” directly above No items found searching for belmodo.
On my Win 7 laptop in Firefox it also says the same thing but if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, under advanced show options, my shop icon shows up. No one is going to find that after they see 0 results at the top.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth


ArtistsUnion says: May 06, 2016

There is no the ‘attach a photo’ option here. I’ve added it to the listing. Then right click on the mouse on ‘Copy image address’ and paste the link here between exclamation marks.

ArtistsUnion says: May 06, 2016

" I’m also not showing up on my Win 7 laptop in Firefox." Try to check it on Google Chrome. Since I can search Your shop on iPh and tower comp., then there has to be something else on Your end.

maydamart says: May 06, 2016

Not coming up on my android either – probably Google’s doing. The last thing they want to do is help the little guy/gal. I couldn’t find my shop on there, either but it does come up on my nieghbor’s iPhone just like yours does. Good ’ol (NOT!) Google…

ArtistsUnion says: May 06, 2016
Dear @belmodo, after my answers You’ve edited and deleted Your question, so now my comments are out of the topic. We can’t edit/delete comments, so my kind request to @BonanzaKaty, our forum good [URL removed] to remove them – I would appreciate it. Thank You.


answered about 8 years ago

1 Comment

belmodo says: May 06, 2016

I know it comes up in Google Search but it doesn’t come up when a customer searches on the Bonanza website. Apps have nothing to do with how the search on the Bonanza site functions, it’s the site that isn’t cross compatible in different browsers.

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Viewed: 858 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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