Does bonanza allow mystery box postings?

I find them fun to do but I don’t want to break any rules :)

asked over 6 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hey guys! At this time, we do not allow the sale of mystery boxes here at Bonanza. According to our user agreement for listing [URL removed] You must be legally able to sell the item(s) you list for sale on the Site. You must describe your item and all terms of sale on the listing page of the Site. Your listings may only include text descriptions, graphics, pictures and other content relevant to the sale of that item. All listed items must be listed in an appropriate category. Each listing must accurately and completely describe the item/items for sale in that listing. If the “in stock” quantity is more than one, all items in that listing must be identical. Each unique item must have its own listing.

Technically, all the contents of the box must be identified in the item description.

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 6 years ago

That’s what I am trying to figure out. There are a lot of mystery boxes on Bonanza including completely random stuff. But I personally am in the process of reviewing my listings by Bonanza. Hope they will release them or at least indicate what should be modified.

answered over 6 years ago

It looks like you can have a mystery box as long as the contents of the box are listed. Hmmm…rather defeats the purpose of a mystery box, but it can be listed.

answered over 6 years ago

It’s fun until someone gets an eye put out (so to speak). ;)

answered over 6 years ago

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Asked: over 6 years ago

Latest response: over 6 years ago

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