the buyer did not pay on my first sale. what should i do?

Hi, I had my first sale on Bonanza, but the buyer did not pay for the item and did not answer to my message. What is my next step to do? Please, help with your advise. I actually sell on eBay, but would like to try Bonanza too.
Thank you for your time!

asked about 8 years ago


MomentsInThyme says: May 07, 2016

The buyer most likely decided not to purchase. Same scenario happened to me months back.

MomentsInThyme says: May 08, 2016

1st send an email to the buyer- order cancelled (document you made contact) then apply for the seller fee credit

MomentsInThyme says: May 08, 2016

Even if the buyer will not respond to your email you documented that you made contact.

2 Answers

My booth is set up so that the payment is automatic without my having to approve it, so they have to pay immediately. I find it much easier that way.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


MomentsInThyme says: May 08, 2016

Your right Thank You. Good idea I changed that as well. It takes too much time to reverse the false transaction.

EmbellishMart says: May 09, 2016

Yes, mine is set up this way also. Best practice. Sandi/EmbellishMart

I’ve had it happen a lot lately. Buyers need to be educated before purchasing. Wait the number of days stated by Bonanza then file for your selling fee credit.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 321
See sasswbe's booth
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Viewed: 619 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 8 years ago

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