What is the suitable size for the forum photo?

Is there an automatic way to add a smaller photo to the forum posts, so there will be no need to use the bar to see it all?

If not yet, I could add one extra photo to my listings, just for this purpose – what is the image size that suits best the forum post?

Thank you.

asked almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

Amych1971 says: October 18, 2021

My sister is a full-time food blogger. She recently opened her forum as well.She has advised me to take help from [URL removed] for my school essay work. The pricing is pocket-friendly and the content used by these people is unique.

4 Answers

In the regular forums (promo) below, a photo with 550 pixel width will fit without having to use the scroll bar…

I usually use the thumb200 added to the URL for my full sized photos when I wanted to show them in the forums

[URL removed] this is the URL for your first picture in the promo
[URL removed]

I would use

[URL removed]

and this is what it would look like

![URL removed]

answered almost 9 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: August 18, 2015

Thank you very for your answer and added photo. I didn’t notice this earlier, because numbers of posts didn’t change, so I saw today, when I wanted to add the info about the max. width of the forum photo (I’ve tried 2-3 sizes and come up with the number you already gave [URL removed]

ArtistsUnion says: August 18, 2015

Oh, how I dislike this comment box…, sorry for the mistakes above (is it so difficult for B. to make this box adjustable for us, to be able to see all the text?!) So, I’ve added today 550 px [URL removed] [URL removed] BTW, where do you use to keep those extra photos?

How to POST a Forum Pic, and The LARGEST size for ANY forum

The following is a GENERAL Answer for any Seller or What I affectionately call a “Newbie Seller”

Look at and READ the following VERY Carefully until you understand the ‘’How to Post a Forum Pic"
NOTICE that there’s an EXCLAMATION Point BEFORE and AFTER the URL of the pic itself.

![URL removed]

543 Pixels is WIDTH is probably the LARGEST Width of what fits nicely into a Forum, IMHO
I Hope this Helps You and Everyone! Dee

answered almost 9 years ago


EmbellishMart says: August 14, 2015

It helped me. Thanks, Dee!

KeeranH says: March 12, 2021

Thx for this sir!

You can use the thumbnail photo from your storefront. Will that work, or is it too small?

If it’s okay, just enter it in your post as !thumbnail copy/paste!

answered almost 9 years ago

Thank you all for answering, I appreciate it.

I added earlier today three photos of my both’s items on the promo forum and they were much bigger than the window, so the scroll bar appeared.

That’s why I asked, if somebody already knows the best photo size, before I start to make and try different ones in some next posts.

It would be nice, though, to have an automatic choice for the “best fit”…

answered almost 9 years ago

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