What's up with the description box?

I set the font colour to teal, the font to arial and the font size to 18 but when I’m done my listing shows a tiny, ugly, black font. Am I doing something wrong?

asked about 7 years ago

4 Answers

Sellers can use all the different fonts & colors, sizes etc but my experience has been that only the seller can see it that way… listings will still show as black.

answered about 7 years ago

Sometimes, even when a green big button “Save these changes” is clicked, changes are not saved (temporarily technical problems?).

In this case, it’s better to check it later.

I’ve just tested it and it worked properly, so, I hope, You can also proceed with Your changes now.

“Sellers can use all the different fonts & colors, sizes etc but only the seller can see it that way… listings will still show as black.”

Maybe You once also had some edit issues, while trying to add colors, etc.

Because all sellers can add different fonts, colors & sizes and all visitors can see them!
(I don’t add a lot of it, but You can check some colored words in my listings,
e.g. “The Autumn Angel” [URL removed]

Also, we all can see Your font with blue shades and different [URL removed]

![URL removed]

answered about 7 years ago


mrdutch1001 says: April 22, 2017

I see other sellers listings in black only…even the listing example above shows to me as black only, as do my own listings.

rapidreader says: April 22, 2017

Mrsvandy, I would say that is a setting on your PC or more likely your Internet connection. If you have dial up or satellite it may be enabled to not show HTML for a better transmission speed. I had this back when I used dial up.

mrdutch1001 says: April 22, 2017

Have high speed internet and the B & W vs color thing only applies to Bonanza listings.

rapidreader says: April 22, 2017

Wow Mrsvandy, using the same browser? I can’t see your profile to see how long you have been here, but the possibility of a legacy setting comes to mind especially if this has been a constant and not something new. If I were you I would detail out this issue to bonanza support.

mrdutch1001 says: April 22, 2017

Been with Bonanza off & on since 2009 but sales dried up several years ago. For the 0-1 sales per year from Bonanza not worth the bother of size, color. font the listings appear as, …my sales come from eBay…Bonanza has become nothing more than just a storage facility for listings…

I have found that making any changes to my descriptions can undo both font sizes and colors and even format structure (normal, paragraph, heading, etc).

I figure it is underlying programming compatibility issues in my word processing program and the bonanza editor. So I just highlight the areas to adjust and reset the font size, color, etc. for presentation on bonanza.

I do like the preview option in bonanza.

answered about 7 years ago

On the “Buyer Settings” (under the Account Settings menu), buyers can choose to display listings with or without HTML. That is more than likely the explanation of why some see the font formatting and some don’t.

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
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1 Comment

rapidreader says: April 23, 2017

I didn’t even think to look at the buyer settings, but I bet you are right Tom!

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