What should I change/add/remove/improve in my booth, item titles, descriptions etc... to improve sales? Expecting lots of criticism from Bonanza veterans and successful sellers.

Actually, everything is in title. Its more than 1 year that I have a store of my handmade products here and a few months since I started to really work on improving and promoting it. I have some sales but I’m sure I could have had more. I visit my booth every day, try to be active on forums, in promotion threads. So the main thing I was focused on is increasing views of my items and booth. But it doesn’t seem to help much. What I belive to be the biggest problem and the reason of my troubles is the titles and description of my items. So I will appreciate any help, and I welcome all the CRITICISM from those who sell and feel confident in their marketing strategy)))

asked over 9 years ago

6 Answers

You have a great booth! But you definitely need to add more to your titles. For instance, you have a really beautiful pot titled “clay pot” then i read the description. There is so much more you can add…..for [URL removed]
“Oposhnya’s Clay pot with enameled glaze & painted in the Cherry technique”
or something similar. but get as many key words in the title as possible. what someone would search for. There are a million clay pots out there, but YOU have the Oposhnya clay pot with the enameled glaze and painted with the cherry techique! Let everyone know that.

Even if they are not searching for that, to see your description against others that list more generic titles, will draw curiosity and they will want to look.

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

duckhead21 says: November 27, 2014

What I have noticed is that you haven’t added a description. Check out our booth, and you will see what I mean.

I’m certainly not an expert on picking listing titles – especially for those one-of-a-kind “artsy” items, but here is my best [URL removed]

Try to match your title to the words potential buyers would enter into a search engine if they were searching for your item.

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Add to your titles.
They are o.k. if I am IN your Shop.
You need the Title to help people FIND your Shop.
Nice pieces, BTW !

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 56
See ooak's booth

Hi! I posted in the wrong place, so I will re-post. We have checked out you booth and you have some great looking items, but what we have noticed is you don’t have much of a description on your items. try bragging a little on your item, telling how big around they are or how tall, and so on, add a little extra in your description.
Check out our booth and you will see what we mean! :>) Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

answered over 9 years ago

1. Drop prepositional phrases in titles
2. Capitalize titles
3. Use bullets in descriptions – Short and to the point

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 72
See daffs60's booth

Thanks everyone for your thorough review of my booth and for your answers. I knew that my descriptions are much shorter than those of many other sellers and I dont have any colorful background in descriptions with beautiful pictures and fonts (its called templates, I suppose). I will consider all of your suggestions concerning titles, too.

answered over 9 years ago

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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