What size should booth photo be?

Hi All, I am new and setting up my booth with a few questions. What size should the small photo in the booth be? I’ve imported one but it seems quite small even though original size is 1275 (long). Also, I created categories but can’t find a way to put my listings into my booth categories. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.

asked almost 9 years ago

1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi HerbsHerbs,

Welcome to Bonanza! If you are looking to update your booth banner (the picture stripe seen at the top of your booth), the ideal dimensions are 960 pixels wide x 400 pixels tall. If you are asking about your profile image, which also appears in the upper left-corner of your booth page, the ideal dimensions are 400 × 400 pixels.

You can add your items to your custom categories automatically or manually from your booth options. My Store > Booth options > Categories & sorting. Here is a page with some additional information on how to set custom [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Hope that helps. Let us know at support if you have any other questions about getting started on [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Welcome to the Bonanza community!
~The Bonanza Team

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 1512
See Katyoke's booth
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Viewed: 3485 times

Asked: almost 9 years ago

Latest response: almost 9 years ago

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