Why is my ''seller info'' missing, sometimes?

I’m logged in. Sometimes my ‘’Seller Information’’ shows, and sometimes it’s just gone, what gives? Does anyone know? Thanks, Dearies for your answer! Just see pic below to see what is missing many times in each of my listings. . .
![URL removed]

asked almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: September 17, 2014

ADDITIONAL [URL removed] I use My Mac’s Safari as a browser. I also do NOT like it, IF it’s a New Format, but hey, we don’t control that, I just hope if a glitch they fix it, Thanks!

5 Answers

I think it is a new format they are testing (just a guess) since I see it some days and some days I don’t…

IF it is a new format…I DO NOT like it

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: September 17, 2014

Thanks Cindy…I agree [URL removed] not liking. . .![URL removed] ![URL removed] ![URL removed]

I use Chrome almost always and have noticed the same thing. I have found on new listings that my seller info is just a link that says sold by. I hope that it’s not a new format because I really don’t like it at all. On some of my older listings the old format does still show and I like it much better. If I’m in someone elses booth and the info is missing it’s a pain to have to go all the way back to the seller profile to see the information I want to see such as reputation etc. Please if this is a new format put it back to the way it used to be. Thank you.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1320
See ZiggyZool's booth

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: September 17, 2014

Hey DearieR…I too like the Seller Information, thanks for Sharing! ![URL removed] ![URL removed] ![URL removed]

This is also happening to me when I use Firefox as my browser, info shows on IE and Chrome. Just checked your booth, and I can see your seller info in chrome but not in firefox.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: September 17, 2014

Hey DearieGal, I only use Safari, and sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not? Things that make ya’ go ‘’Hmmm?’’ Thanks for Sharing! ![URL removed] ![URL removed] ![URL removed]

Oh Heck, just looked at some of mine and mine is missing too! it just gives my name, my feedback and how many transactions I had. Don’t like it at all! I use chrome and or firefox (on chrome right now) but i don’t think it matters. I am thinking bonz just changed things. or is changing things again.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

DiscountDesigner says: September 17, 2014

I am now in my other booth, and its the same way it should be. Info is not missing. Strange.

Been noticing the same thing off and on myself. I figured they were testing some new formats

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth
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Viewed: 1436 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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