Why there are no views for my products?

I have listed 12 items few days back and I opted for Elite(30% fee) advertising level but still, there are no views for my items. Am I doing something wrong or I haven’t done any important step for my listings to view other people.
Please Help

asked over 5 years ago

Reputation: 10
See kizloo's booth
2 Answers

Take the percentage down to 9% and do your own advertising. You have to do that here or you will not get any traffic at all. I advertise my items mostly on google +
Just copy/paste the listing of one of your items with a brief description and you will start getting traffic.

answered over 5 years ago

When I first started, I only listed about 25 stickers/magnet. Few views, no sales. Learned real fast [URL removed]

1. Having only a few items restricted the views as potential buyers didn’t have a bigger selection in my store.

2. My header was very generic. Found that I had to be more specific so people looking for that item found me. A hand bag is generic and lost in the millions of views. As an example, Louis Vatton red handbag with clasp, etc… is better. People who are looking for a Louis vatton (red) handbag, fewer views but you are getting views from people looking for a red Louis vatton. Chances for a purchase increase tenfold.

Try to be very specific about each listing in your header.

Hope this helps.


answered over 5 years ago

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Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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