Will web stores be populated with ads?

Does anyone know whether Bonanza plans to populate our web stores with ads of their own, or will the store content be 100% under the owners control?

asked over 9 years ago

2 Answers

I am building mine now and do not see any ads. Went to see other Bonanza webstores already live like www.shopperlanesurplus.com and there are no ads.

answered over 9 years ago

They are not populated by ads however I think the store owner should be able to put ads on if they want and this option is not available. Meaning like people who sell avon, who has a strict policy that you not list products on other sites but just their website they give, why shouldnt you be able to put a banner for your avon website on your store that you pay for. When they offer this option I will consider their webstore until then will just stick with my booth

answered over 9 years ago

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Asked: over 9 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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