With the recent skyrocketing prices for gold, can anyone tell me if there is a market yet for gold-filled items when it comes to scraping.

It seems these days there is still a lot of jewelry out there marked “GF” or Gold Filled. So, with the recent skyrocketing prices for gold, can anyone tell me if the prices are high enough to make it worth my while to start saving and collecting Gold Filled items that might not have any aesthetic value but in mass quantity might bring some money on the scrap market? Thanks for any input!

asked almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth
6 Answers

If you can buy Gold Filled pieces cheap, it would
be in your favor, but do not buy Gold Plated Jewelry.
Gold plated is nothing more than an extremely thin
coating. More like just a gold coloring.

“In the USA the quality of gold filled is defined by the Federal Trade Commission.
If the gold layer is 10 kt fineness the minimum layer of karat gold in an item stamped GF must equal at least 1/10 the weight of the total item. If the gold layer is 12 kt or higher the minimum layer of karat gold in an item stamped GF must equal at least 1/20 the weight of the total item.

The most common stamps found on gold-filled jewelry are 1/20 12kt GF and 1/20 14kt GF. Also common is 1/10 10kt. Some products are made using sterling silver as the base, although this more expensive version
If you see the notion “14/20 Gold-Filled,” this means that the piece is 1/20th 14 karat gold. The 1/20 notation refers to the ratio of the 14 karat gold layer to the brass layer by weight, which is 5%."

answered almost 13 years ago

I have Gold Coins for Sale @
[URL removed]

Way cheaper than on eBay. Please, compare.

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth

So if I take in 1 troy oz. of 1/20 14kt GF jewelry, I should have 1 dwt (penny weight) of 14K gold considering there are 20 dwt. to each oz. Sound right? Thanks for the very valuable information.

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth

Yes. And At gold spot right now.
1 dwt of 14k gold is worth $53.17

answered almost 13 years ago

have you any for sell?

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 629

for now I believe gold and silver still level to make few investment
but the market sound and looks terrible
hope change soon

but gold keep be a great value

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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