Still awaiting approval for my booth after two weeks

Does it take this long for review? I have not posted any items and wanted to import an inventory file.

asked about 7 years ago


frenzi33 says: December 23, 2021

There is no drawn time line, you ought to endeavor to keep the necessary [url=[URL removed]]time needed to approve your apartment application[/url] to a base.

frenzi33 says: December 23, 2021

There is no drawn time line, you ought to endeavor to keep the necessary time needed to approve your apartment application to a base.

5 Answers

Reviewing an empty booth is actually not done. Bonanza wants to review the items you list to make sure that they aren’t counterfeit items or that your feedback supports you selling “high risk” items (e.g., $2,000 diamond rings, iPhones, etc). It’s all about doing their best to protect buyers from potential problems.

Changing your user ID (from the generic “bonzuser_” designation) to anything else, making sure that you fill in all of the seller information (even optional info), verifying a phone number with Bonanza, and importing any feedback from other selling sites will help with the approval process.

If you are drop-shipping items (almost implied with your 200 items inventory file that you want to upload) that are expensive, you may have to generate some goodwill prior to being approved. Check your personal email address for any messages from Bonanza Support. Contact them at [email protected] if necessary to get the answers straight from them.

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


anarapajapan says: December 19, 2021

your booth require administrative review. what why my booth is on hold what reason?

frenzi33 says: December 23, 2021

There is no drawn time line, you ought to endeavor to keep the necessary time needed to approve your apartment application to a base.

I’m not sure to what you are referring. Your booth is up and running with all of your items. If it is another booth you are talking about then you need to post the booth link here so we can answer your question.

answered about 7 years ago

No, it should not take so long.

Your booth, indeed, is not online yet – we can see only this [URL removed]

“Whoops. There was an error.
You do not have permission to access the booth requested. If this is your own booth and it hasn’t been activated, you must be logged in to view it.”

Are You absolutely sure, You’ve clicked on the big green button “Activate booth” on this [URL removed] ?

If yes, then when You are logged in, You should rather see on Your screen the “failed with error #563” info or something similar.
In this case, please, contact [email protected] to receive a quick help.

Welcome and good luck!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 7 years ago

1 Comment

anarapajapan says: December 19, 2021

your booth require administrative review. what? i am long time on this side not new at all and why this take booth on hold so long time

I got the whoops message, too.

answered about 7 years ago

1 Comment

anarapajapan says: December 19, 2021

scary same here

This is the message I receive when I log in to my [URL removed]

Warning message
One or more recently added items in your booth require administrative review. Booths are reviewed within 24 hours (usually much sooner). You will be able to import items once your booth has been reviewed.

Its been about two weeks so not sure what they are reviewing as I have not posted anything. I can list one at a time but I have over 200 items and wanted to import an inventory file but will not allow me to do so.

answered about 7 years ago

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