Hand Picked List: Christmas Mugs for Everyone

Brought to you by vintagesuffolk
Main category Home & Garden | View count 593 | Clickthrough count 66
Published on 11/16/22

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Which is your favorite?

Starfisher says: November 17, 2022

I have two favorites in this HPL. I love the Pottery Barn Christmas Tree Mug, my second favorite is the Peace Tree Mug.

VintageVarietyShop says: November 17, 2022

A lot of super variety in this list and a great idea.

vintagesuffolk says: November 17, 2022

I love several but especially the Comet,Snowman and Norman Rockwell mugs.

Rosiegar77 says: November 18, 2022

Love it!

quadrina says: November 18, 2022

Fun list vintagesuffolk! I like the Starbucks mugs and Nightmare Before Christmas mug. Everyone should have a Holiday mug for their hot chocolates. ….. from quadrina. :)

AudiLee says: November 28, 2022

Very cool mugs! They’re all great! I like that nightmare b4 Christmas Sally mug, too :D Keep Mom away from the Eggnog is pretty funny :D :D

OVYEE says: November 28, 2022

Ho-ho and a Cup of Cheer ssss……Ovyee jewels

goodsporium says: December 03, 2022

BAH HUM MUG! Love it!