Hand Picked List: My Wedding Day

Brought to you by vintagesuffolk
Main category Fashion | View count 75 | Clickthrough count 9
Published on 09/17/21

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User comments on My Wedding Day

vintagesuffolk says: September 17, 2021

Make your wedding day special.

Starfisher says: September 18, 2021

So many wonderful selections to help make the wedding day special for sure. Thank you so much for including mine. Great list.

Robin1 says: September 18, 2021

Lovely list!

AudiLee says: September 20, 2021

Beautiful selected items, well done!

VintageVarietyShop says: September 21, 2021

Lovely choices!

QuoiDeNeuf says: September 28, 2021

Elegant list – beautiful selections!