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a/b test results
alexwberg Jul 23, 2010

a/b test results

Hi everyone!

I thought I would post a quick note today on the results of our a/b test of the product detail page.
It appears that the new page is performing better than the old version of the page (hurrah!).  How much better?  Users are converting (buying!) 16% more on the new page.  We’re pretty sure the results are statistically relevant at this point (it’s been over 4 full days with lots of site traffic) so we’re going to make the new page version the only version very soon.

Thanks for your interest and feedback.  We’ll be doing lots more a/b testing like this in the future.  Some pretty soon in fact.  Have an awesome weekend!

P.S. isn’t it nice that Bill ‘offered’ to buy a round for Blake and me?  He’s a swell guy.

 - Alex

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32 responses to a/b test results

blakelucchesi says: 07/23/10 at 13:18:52


DS520Diecast says: 07/23/10 at 13:40:53

Enjoy your free round! This is great news!

DebbiesCorner says: 07/23/10 at 14:01:36

Great! Thanks for keeping us up to date.

SunflowerAntics says: 07/23/10 at 14:07:29

Thanks Alex!
Next time put MY BOOTH on the A/B side of the NEW stuff, OK?


AnnappleBonanza says: 07/23/10 at 14:13:51

Great news for all! Enjoy the round!

shellbysbooth says: 07/23/10 at 14:45:45

Very exciting news ! Ease of use brings more sales !

AntiquesRGreat says: 07/23/10 at 14:56:59

Nice work guys! If you guys are coming to the BonanzleUp 2010 I’ll buy you guys a round

Griffengarb says: 07/23/10 at 15:13:14


woodnthings says: 07/23/10 at 15:22:15

I’m happy to hear we got the results we needed to update the page.

DakotaGold says: 07/23/10 at 15:25:43

When I hear someone use the word


I always think of the Beave on Leave It To Beaver.


shots&more says: 07/23/10 at 16:08:46

Alex, thanks for your continued help in making it easier for us!! Prost!!!

Queenmum says: 07/23/10 at 17:19:59

Way good!

If you build it,
(and make it way easy peasy to find the way around),
they will come

STBThreadworks says: 07/23/10 at 17:20:12

Oy! I think Bill should buy us ALL a round!

STBThreadworks says: 07/23/10 at 17:32:35

All kidding aside, just looked and LOVED the new look. It is very crisp and clean. Especially the additional photos down below the main photo – it really streamlines the rest of the product box.

We owe Bill so many drinks that we’ve lost count.

CoinMasters says: 07/23/10 at 18:00:56

I am still new to the site getting my items out in front of people is what I need to do. I could use all the help one could get please. I need to jump start sales Richard

lovelythingsdahlin says: 07/23/10 at 18:22:23

Haven’t seen the new page yet, but it sounds like it is getting rave reviews. Thanks for all your hard work, and enjoy that round of drinks!

Affordable_Nails says: 07/23/10 at 19:46:57

Great News! Thanks Boys!

jacksplace says: 07/23/10 at 20:05:13


Lisas_TX_Treasures says: 07/23/10 at 20:56:48

That’s great news! Something must be working in a super way as I just sold an item listed a year ago.

Thanks for all the hard work!


Gr8Expressions says: 07/24/10 at 07:07:33

Great News! Keep up the good work.

ArtsnEnds says: 07/24/10 at 07:37:48

I volunteer to always be on the new beta list. I am excited about all the improvements.

yeshuazgirl says: 07/24/10 at 11:19:30

Very good Blake! Keep up the improved UI! we’re all watching and excited.

therainforest says: 07/24/10 at 15:38:52

That’s huge, dude! Keep up the good work!!

FabFinds says: 07/24/10 at 15:53:06

Super Terrific!

glorsstore says: 07/25/10 at 06:20:05

Good news!

bookbrowzers says: 07/25/10 at 10:21:21

I really love the new look! The only thing is ~ I can’t see the new look when I’m logged in.

Logged in on Chrome: I see the old version.
Not logged in on Opera: I see the gorgeous new version.
Logged in on Opera: I see the old version.

Clear cache on both…no changes. Can everyone see the new version?

Alilbirdy2 says: 07/26/10 at 04:13:21

That is a great improvment, thank you for working so hard on this.

SharsBoutique says: 07/26/10 at 04:29:56

Sweet. Love the new look! Hope you will be at the BonanzleUp 2010 in Kansas City. I’m sure everyone would love to meet you. I’ll buy the second round.

starshinin says: 07/26/10 at 06:17:27

Awesome! love the changes!

SunflowerAntics says: 07/26/10 at 08:13:04

OK, now that I can see the changes in effect, I really think some changes could be made….
1. Need another button for Members who allow “OBO” on their items. Too confusing for buyer to find the little “Make an Offer” in checkout.
2. Remove the “frowning” cart – make it inviting to the buyer.

JMHO along with others….

alexwberg says: 07/26/10 at 09:21:25

You should now see the new cart page regardless of whether you are logged in or not. Thanks for the other suggestions! We’ve got a long list, but we’re working away….

eyecatchingbeauty says: 07/26/10 at 18:14:37

4 days of data collection seems to me to be a very short duration to paint a picture of the efficacy of the new page. Perhaps several versions over a months time would be a better indicator of which design fosters conversions most effectively?

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