How do l add different shipping flat rates for different zones under one shipping profile?

When l try to set up a shipping profile, all l can see is how to add multiple countries, but NOT how to assign varying prices for each area.

How is this possible?

[URL removed] I want a shipping profile called “0.5kg Express Worldwide”. Under that profile, l want “N. & S. America” to be £20, “Africa” to be £26, “Australia” to be £24.

How would l do that? All l can see is l can select N. & S. America, Africa, and Australia. But l can only give one flat rate cost to be shared by all of them, not differential costs.

asked over 4 years ago

Reputation: 24
See LabServ's booth
3 Answers

- use the Add international shipping service option

- in “*Flat [URL removed]” box write the proper shipping price

- mark the checkbox of the country(ries) or region(s) adequate to the chosen shipping amount

- now choose the listings it applies to from Your items list below

- return above the list to click on the Apply changes green button

Follow the same steps to set next shipping price for other country(ries) / region(s).

When You finish, Your listing(s) should [URL removed]

Ships to “N. & S. America” at X amount
Ships to “Africa” at Y amount
Ships to “Australia” at Z amount
Ships to “Europe” at V amount
Ships to “Asia” at…

Always remember, after applying some changes to Your booth to go to Your “Add or edit items” page and click on the Update your booth green big button.

answered over 4 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: December 31, 2019

Oh, well, dear Bonanza, no ‘edit’ mode at all? even for a minute? to make some minor corrections. E.g. would You, bonanzawanda be kind enough to make bold (add 2 ) and emphasis (add 2 _) to this phrase _“Add or edit items*”_ in the last sentence. Thank You in advance. Best regards, ArtistsUnion

ArtistsUnion says: December 31, 2019

in the first () should [URL removed] (add 2 * asterisks)

ccmom says: December 31, 2019

can’t believe they removed edit…I always find some small error after I type it in, even after reading several times, and sometimes posted images need to be adjusted….

LabServ says: December 31, 2019

woo woo! Thanks, l shall try out your solution. If l have no further questions then the matter is solved. And Bonanza, you’re the BEST for hiding the methodology for the most critical part of a [URL removed] the shipping part.

Hello LabServ

Welcome to the Bonanza Community!!

If you need additional support please email our award-winning support team and they will be glad to assist you further. [email protected]

Thank you and Happy Selling!
Kind Regards
Bonanza Support

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 24
See LabServ's booth

thank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys

[URL removed]
[URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 30
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1036 times

Asked: over 4 years ago

Latest response: over 4 years ago

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