What do you call these wooden figures that fit into one another to make a single doll?

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asked about 13 years ago

9 Answers

Yours is actually called the “Professional Golfer Matryoshka” which were quite popular From Brest

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Brest (formerly Brest-Litovsk) is a city in Belarus at the border with Poland. During the Soviet era, the Brest Matryoshka factory was a prolific production center for these manufacture. Differentiated by the use of birch wood, instead of the more traditional, and softer, linden wood.

Yours (the golfer) was the biggest produced import about 25 years ago making the first “professional golfer” matryoshka dolls and is one of the more unusual dolls from all the other various series (doctors/dentist and so on).

But don’t confuse with Babushka dolls! There are no Babushka golfers.

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Nesting Dolls

answered about 13 years ago

Reputation: 64
See sal2320's booth

Thank you, sal2320.

Had a Senior Moment and couldn’t remember what they were called. These were kind of unique, being golfers and not the regular Russion doll images.

Thanks again and have a great weekend.


answered about 13 years ago

They are Russian Nesting Dolls.
I am listing one myself today.

answered about 13 years ago

The correcting name for these items is matryoshka. I would use it in the listing somewhere, but in the title I would call them nesting dolls—not everyone is familiar with the term matryoshka. I would also include the word in the Google attributes

answered about 13 years ago

Sometimes they are also called “Babushka” dolls.

answered about 13 years ago

These are Russian Nesting Dolls

answered about 13 years ago

These are Russian nesting dolls

answered about 13 years ago

Matryoshka, Babushka, Nesting Doll..
We have 9 Variations of Rag-Matryoshkas in our booth.

answered about 13 years ago

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Asked: about 13 years ago

Latest response: about 13 years ago

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