I have a bottle filled with gold powder, it was purchased in the 1940's

For the purpose of painting gold on ceramics, the bottle is the size of a 8 ounce coke bottle, the gold was part of an inheritance, the bottle weighs in at 9 ounces and the bottle is 2/3 full, I was told the gold is all gold, no metal, also I was told, its hard to find anyone willing to buy this kind of gold, because, you lose some of the product upon firing, and you have to have a lot. My question is how do you estimate the value in powder, and the process? with no metals lead or any other compound.
Thank You

asked almost 13 years ago

5 Answers

Thank You I have talked to a refining company here in Missouri called Houser Miller, they have indicated, that the value is aprox $1,600 ounce.

Thank You [URL removed]

Hello Policequilts, yes these items are very valuble. I too held onto these special items, and have discovered there very! valuble. Please copy and paste the link above to discover more about refining gold, silver, and platinum/

Thank you

answered almost 13 years ago

Wow! Fascinating find. I would call or contact some art galleries and find out who uses this product on ceramics. Then get the artists name and talk to them. They would know who they buy from and how much they pay.

For [URL removed] Dale Chihuly is a famous glass artist. His pieces sell for thousands of dollars each. If he used gold dust in any of his glass pieces he would know how much he paid for it. All you need to do is talk to one of these people because they may know who would use it if they don’t.

Good luck. Sounds like fun and it also sounds lucrative or worth the time and effort!

answered almost 13 years ago

have you any for sell?

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 629

I don’t have any experience with powdered gold. I have used the more recent liquid golds for painting on ceramics.
It is fairly pricey and sells upwards of $10 per gram. I don’t know if there is a market outside of the hobby ceramics trade for such gold.

answered almost 13 years ago

Interesting A few years ago, I came across, again, the bottles of that my mom would use to write on ceramic plates and such.

The bottles are of liquid GOLD, SILVER and PLATINUM.

I purposely held onto these items, not knowing if I would start working on ceramics and porcelain again, but I know they are of value.
My mom would complain on the prices on these bottles from $8 to $11 a bottle (40 years ago) LOL.

Will keep watching this thread. Thanks

answered almost 13 years ago

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: almost 13 years ago

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