Help identifying a piece of art.

While in Europe a couple of years ago I obtained a book. In that book were three etchings/drawings/art pieces. The paper is thick and old. One piece of art is signed but I cannot locate the artist. Anyone have any ideas?

Here is the one that is [URL removed]

![URL removed]
![URL removed]

This one does not have a [URL removed]

![URL removed]

This one does not have a signature [URL removed]

![URL removed]

Thanks for any information :)

asked almost 13 years ago

8 Answers

Painting is dated October 31, 1927 as that is the way Europe writes dates. I cannot read the last name of artist? Kastman Kustman or ?? (looks like watercolor paper from photograph)

It also looks like early Amsterdam and preliminary sketches an artist would make before doing the actual painting. But it could be several other places as well. The church or building spire in the middle picture looks right out of Amsterdam today. Also the one that is signed looks like a canal. So if you have the city date and the last name we might be able to research further.

Sorry that is the best I could do off the top of my head.

I want to add if you go to the URL that Montrose provided you can see the canal and the structure over the canal. So the city in your artwork is Amsterdam in the late 20’s.

answered almost 13 years ago

There are 2010 calenders with old Postcards of Amsterdam images from the past possibly “similiar” to yours.

Check this link out as a reference at > [URL removed]

As for the artist? Please keep us informed with your update next, thank you

answered almost 13 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Very cool Mark! Does the writing on the first one look like it might be Kostman? And 27 to 35?

answered almost 13 years ago

Looks like they were sketched on 10/31/1927 by someone called Kostman.

answered almost 13 years ago

Can’t read all of your text

answered almost 13 years ago

I can’t read it, either. The text is jutting out of the table margins on the right and the “Question Vitals” and “To Answer Brilliantly” text boxes are covering it up.

answered almost 13 years ago

Mark This is bugging the living daylights out of me.

I searched these website for KOSTMAN and KOSLMAN
(The t is the lined artwork so I thought maybe it’s an L instead)
Could not find it.

ARTISTS [URL removed] removed] [URL removed] removed] [URL removed] removed]

answered over 12 years ago

The Dutch painter Johan Philip Koelman comes to mind, but of course he died long before this was dated. Could it be a child of his? Is the media pen and ink?

answered over 12 years ago

Question Vitals

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Asked: almost 13 years ago

Latest response: over 12 years ago

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