Why is item still showing when already purchased?

I hope I am putting this question where it needs to be as I do not see anywhere else to ask it. Sorry if I am not.

I sold three items yesterday and customer paid right away by paypal but with an eCheck, which is ok. However it did not remove the items from my booth or mark them as pending. Can someone else still purchase these items as I wait for her check to clear or is there something else I need to do. Thanks for your jelp, Becky

asked over 12 years ago

6 Answers

Put them on Reserve so that no one else can purchase them. When the echeck clears, then mark items as Paid.

answered over 12 years ago

Q. Can I remove an item from my Booth (make it hidden) w/o deleting it?

A. Yes, you can put it on reserve. To put an item on reserve go to Sell>>Batch Edit, select the item(s) you wish to reserve and in the upper section under “Basic” select “Set Status to” to “Reserved”. To re-activate select the item(s) and set status to “For Sale”

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Under Selling, go to Batch Edit. Place a check mark in front of the items you want to put on reserve. Then click on the Set Status at the top of page and set to Reserved. To find those items later you will go back to Batch Edit and use the Filter on the right side of the page. Set to search for Reserved and then click on Filter. Your reserved items will show. Then you can check them again and set the items to Sold at the top of the page. Hope that helps.

answered over 12 years ago

To put items on reserve

Batch Edit
Select items
Set Status (drop down menu)
to Reserve
Apply Changes

Since it was an echeck, the payment has not yet cleared, therefore the callback from PP has not yet occurred, so the items do not show as sold yet.
When the check clears the callback will be initiated and then they will show as sold.

That is what happened to me..however, you can contact support and ask about it

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Thanks for the reply but how do I put an item on reserve?
I have never done that before. Thanks, Becky

answered over 12 years ago

Very interesting. I did not know you could do this. :)

answered over 12 years ago

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Asked: over 12 years ago

Latest response: over 12 years ago

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