Bonanza estimate shipping dates

Has anyone else noticed that Bonanza is putting inaccurate estimated shipping arrival dates in the recent items sold section? I shipped a package by priority mail 1/2/2019 and Bonanza is saying the estimated shipping arrival date is January 14, 2019 when it is actually January 5, 2019 according to USPS. If the January 14 date is what the customer sees and they paid for priority mail, they will be very upset and feel like they have been gouged on shipping. I would prefer no information at all from Bonanza regarding estimated dates than erroneous information.

asked over 5 years ago


sasswbe says: January 03, 2019

Bonanza has a lot of problems and is not fixing anything. My search hasn’t worked since before Xmas so I can not search for anything here. Wonder how many others are having problems.

EmpressDepot says: January 03, 2019

I hate to say it but I’m glad that they see this info after the sale. If it was before the sale, then I’m sure my item would not sell. (making a small joke of this). I always email a buyer after the sale and let them know what to expect…but it’s still not good for inaccurate info to display. I…

EmpressDepot says: January 03, 2019

have not noticed this yet but will be on the look out and report the glitch when it happens to me.

ccmom says: January 03, 2019

14 is off, but your handling time is 2 business days…which means if bought today, Friday and Monday would be your 2 business days…plus the 2-3 priority shipping days would make the 9-10th the estimated time of arrival…business days do not count Sat/Sun..

Atomicdiner says: January 04, 2019

Perhaps the Bonanza elves are still hitting the christmas EggNog and not fixing things that are broke. At the very least, I hope they are working on a calculated First Class by zone shipping fix.

gearseller2 says: January 06, 2019

CCMOM- USPS services actually do count Saturday as a business of the many reasons we use them exclusively :-)

1 Answer

I think the P. 0. states their shipping estimate on the shipping service you select. However, Bonanza may factor the handling time you have set in your booth settings. Check your settings [URL removed]

Put your User ID in the URL above to check your settings.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 8637
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