Bonanza's editor - what are the alternatives ?

The Editor doesn’t do what it supposed to do – impossible to apply colour, no italic, no font size change.
Any idea how to insert a good looking description ?

asked about 8 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi @ posterz,

Sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing. You should be able to customize font in the description field on your item edit page. We recommend clearing your browser’s cache and history, or trying another browser or device to see if the issue persists. Be sure that you’re working on the most up-to-date version of your browser. If you continue to experience issues, please let us know the steps you’re taking and the error you are experiencing so that we can research the matter further on your behalf.

[URL removed]

answered about 8 years ago


ZeePoster says: May 31, 2016

Thanks Katy, I use Safari on mac. I did try clearing cache, but it doesn’t help.

ZeePoster says: May 31, 2016

the problem is exceptionally annoying. For example just 5 minutes ago I was editing description for one of the items. In one of the sentences, there is a long gap in the sentence…

ZeePoster says: May 31, 2016

…I had to click enter where the gap ends. I don’t understand why is this happens ? Editor indeed how a very rich tool, but it causes nothing but problems. Why should I use another browser ??? Your webmaster created this problem, and let him solve this problem.

ZeePoster says: May 31, 2016

I tested the editor again right now on one of the items. Cleared cache first. I have the first line in the description in Cayenne colour. Clicked Save, no change, everything is in black.

The_Lingerie_Lounge says: May 31, 2016

Posterz, try to highlight your items after you type them, but before you edit them. once highlighted, then edit. See if that works. That is what I do.

ccmom says: May 31, 2016

you are bringing in hidden text format in the import…which is not compatable

ZeePoster says: June 01, 2016

yes, it is correct. I imported my items. Everything was imported incl. descriptions, which is quite impressive, BUT not effective. So, you’re saying that if I want the Description look its best, then I have to erase the whole text and WRITE the description again ? can I use another editor ?

Actually, Bonanza has one of the better editors that i have seen online. Everything you mentioned and more can be done with your wording. I always just type my description first, then I highlight everything i want to change, or edit, then i apply the edits. Works great. or as BonanzaKaty said, clear your cache, that could also be the problem if you dont see the editing fields.

answered about 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


Atomicdiner says: May 31, 2016

I love the picture editor here as far as croping or altering the orientation but the description editor, not so much.

The_Lingerie_Lounge says: May 31, 2016

strange, its fine for me.

ZeePoster says: June 01, 2016

I looked at your items’ descriptions – they’re all in black font, no color. But I see that the whole text is tight, without large gaps between the lines like I have. I guess it’s because my descriptions are imported ?

EmbellishMart says: June 02, 2016

What The_Lingerie_Lounge and misskeech said about highlighting before formatting is something that I’ll try from now on. Sometimes my formatting takes, and sometimes it doesn’t.

I have had issues in the past but not recently. While the stock answer to everybodys ills (not just here) is " clearing your browser’s cache and history, or trying another browser or device " (as if it is a scripted page) (Sorry Katy and I did also state not just here, hear it on other sites too), it just appears this issue comes and goes. I use Firefox browser and create my descriptions in Word (97 I think). I then past them in and sometimes they take and other times not. Just keep trying maybe another day. I clear my browser before every power-up session with C-Cleaner to always start fresh.

Crazy as it sounds, as I try all sorts of things, seems if you dont fill in all the traits and load all pics BEFORE trying to paste in the description, seems that you should do that first to have the best chances of it to accept your description. Offhand, I would say it may be your browser. I use a DESKTOP, not a phone so I cant speak of that issue if you are using something else I do not.

Its just not as smooth and easy listing things here sometimes as the other site who I wont name. Just keep trying till you find a way it works. Good Luck

answered about 8 years ago


ZeePoster says: May 31, 2016

When I imported my items, i did editing for almost all of them. I did traits first, while description was already populated. But description still needed editing. I was excited to see Editor here, highlighted all the headlines in cayenne color, to see how useless it is.

ccmom says: May 31, 2016

you do know that Word has it’s own hidden formatting script that is not always compatable with other editors…I do all mine in Notepad…which is plain and no hidden formatting…then add the format I want here…

ccmom says: May 31, 2016

copy your text into notepad…click on source button..delete all the formatting you brought in the import…click source again…copy your text from notepad..paste..then format the highlighted text…

ccmom says: May 31, 2016

however..if using phone…then you are using the mobile version…and’s rules for mobile formatting are very strict…

Hello [URL removed]

I don’t do any importing, but I do often copy and paste. It helps when I highlight all that I’ve pasted and then click the “remove formatting” button. I do this even if it doesn’t look like the text that I pasted is formatted. The “remove formatting” button is the 5th icon from the top right of the tool bar in the text editor. Once I remove all formatting, even if I don’t see any, my editing remains.

Have a nice day!
“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”

answered about 8 years ago

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