Can i somehow copy "size" to all items?

With all the variations I have as far as sizes go (48) It would take forever to enter these in individually to the Etsy items I imported. Is there a way to copy the sizes from the one item that I DID type it all in? I thought it would go under “trait” but that only selected the “Many Sizes” option and not the actual size options.

Any ideas?

asked almost 10 years ago

2 Answers

Select the Many Sizes Option

Below the traits a Size and Quantity box will be added to your Item Traits

Put in your first size and Quantity
Then click the link under it

Add available quantity for another Size

and another set of Size/Quantity boxes will appear…

Repeat until you have all the sizes and the drop down box of sizes available will appear in the listing..

You can also do this with Color

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Maybe it would be easier if you told your buyers to add a note to their order specifying style, color and size. By the way, I viewed one of your listings, and you make reference to your Etsy policies. You might want to edit that.

answered almost 10 years ago

Question Vitals

Viewed: 941 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: over 9 years ago

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