
I’m trying to find out why I can’t list an item. I have had a booth for months now and I finally got back to it.
I tried to list an item but there is no save button or list to bonanza button anywhere.
Now when I go to my booth page, I get this [URL removed]

“There are items in your booth that are ready for sale, but not visible to buyers yet. Return to booth edit page and click “Update Booth” to make all items visible."

Well when I try to find a link to “Booth Edit Page”, I can’t find a link with that wording. The closet I got was “Edit Booth Options”, and there was no option there for “Update Booth”.

Also, when I set up a listing, at the bottom it says “Save these changes” They’ll appear when your booth is activated.
Well my booth IS activated. I’m pretty sure that somehow my booth or my account is really screwed up. I’m thinking I might have to delete my account and start over. The only thing is, I don’t think I have the energy to start all of this confusion over again. I find bonanza a very difficult site to use, mainly because they don’t update their links often enough.

Anyway can someone help me out with these problems? I’m on the verge of quitting bonanza. It’s too confusing and scattered all over the place.

Oh no…I have to do the tag thing again. The tags never seem to match the problems I’m having. MAN, this site needs some work!

asked almost 10 years ago

1 Comment

MichaelG514 says: September 13, 2015

go to add or edit item and jpg it or however you show item, i just started this week thats what i do when that happens

4 Answers

As Tortuga [URL removed]

Upper left hand column

Click on Sell on Bonanza
Or Add or Edit Items (first link in drop down menu)

Upper Right Corner, large Green button

Update Booth

As to the tags…I am assuming you mean the item traits that appear right after you select a category…

Item traits are to help with search..

a few of the traits will translate to attributes, but since your items are “Custom, handmade” there will not be any attributes (ie mpn, upc, brand or isbn)..

I am assuming that you are using the Art > Direct from the Artist > Paintings Category

As to adding the traits, if nothing is there in the drop down menus that pertain to your items, then either type something, click on the blue link that will be added….and NO they are not comma delineated…just add one trait…

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

1 Comment

bobkimballart says: August 10, 2014

Thank you! What I meant was the tags here in the community.

If it just wants you to click ‘update booth’….then go to ‘sell on Bonanza’…thats on the top left of your screen…click it…you’ll see a page with pictures of your listings… there will be a green button that says ‘update booth’ above the pictures of your listings…click that and see what happens

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth


bobkimballart says: August 10, 2014

Thank you. I found it. I wish they would explain things correctly.

best_herbs says: July 11, 2015

im having the same problem and i know about the green update botton, its just not there to click on it!

Ok, thanks to you two, I found it. I think the instructions that i find all over the place are outdated and need to be looked at and updated. I guess a lot of the things are from another time way back when and they forgot to keep the instructions up to date.
Thanks again!

answered almost 10 years ago


Tortuga says: August 10, 2014

It takes a little time to get used to but once you do, it gets easy. Just stick with it!

bonanzamark says: August 10, 2014

Glad you hung in there bobkimballart. Could you let us know which help page specifically was confusing? We would love to get that corrected to avoid future issues. Thank you.

loves_birds says: August 11, 2014

Maybe the “Update Booth” tab needs to be larger…or greener…flashing.

Bonanza staff and [URL removed]

“There are items in your booth that are ready for sale, but not visible to buyers yet. Return to booth edit page and click “Update Booth” to make all items visible."

It would be helpful to have the links bear the same terms that the instructions do. For instance, in the above it would help to say “To make pending items visible to buyers, click the ‘Add or Edit Items’ link in the drop-down menu under ‘Sell on Bonanza’ at the top left of any page when you’re signed-in.”

answered almost 9 years ago

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