Copyright/trademark infringement question.

Bonanza pulled my listing of perfume samples, it’s a mixed lot of the little cards with tiny perfume bottles in them. A couple of Givenchy samples, and many other labels. I sell perfume all the time, used, new, never had a problem. I’m not mislabeling something, or selling a fake. I own the perfume samples. Anyone’s opinion….

“The items in your booth associated with this brand, GIVENCHY, are protected by copyright/trademark, and the owners prohibit these items from being sold without their permission. A Cease & Desist notification was received on 11/07/2018, and Bonanza is legally bound to remove all infringing items….”

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

@Old-TimeTreasures, sorry for that. We are contacted by Copyright and Trademark owners every day about products that may infringe. For most requests we require a Cease & Desist to remove items that allegedly infringe on the copyright owners brand. You have the right to receive a copy of that document, that will state all of the details of the action, along with the contact information of the other party (just contact our support team requesting this document if you already did not receive a copy). You can then use that document to contact them and challenge their claim if you believe it to not infringe. If after you contact them you learn that your item does not infringe, then please feel free to re-list it, otherwise we would ask that you not re-list the item. Here is a link to our Copyright/infringement page that will help explain the [URL removed]

answered over 5 years ago

Just another reason why no one uses Bonanza.

answered over 1 year ago

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Viewed: 961 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 1 year ago

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