Customer wants item shipped to different email than on account. do i?

I had a customer buy something today and instantly messaged me asking to have it shipped to a different address and name than what’s on the account and PayPal. I know from eBay that usually the rule is only ship to eBay confirmed shipping. It just seems a little fishy and the account was created the day of the sale.

Thoughts? Would you send it or just send it to the address on PayPal? I’ve messaged the customer, but got no reply.

asked over 8 years ago

Reputation: 10
See rlu929s' booth
4 Answers

No matter what the sad story is, we do not ship anywhere except the PayPal ship to address. Usually that means you have to refund the payment amount and ask the buyer to add the different information to their PayPal profile. They can delete it once the package arrives. We have not been charged for problems that occurred on several occasions because we followed the rules. Occasionally we lose the sale because the buyer doesn’t want to go through the steps, but that’s better than accidentally assisting in a fraudulent purchase. Not to say all wrong addresses are from fraudulent buyers, but you never know.

answered over 8 years ago

the account may be showing as new since many who find your item on the web just sign up for bonanza the day the see the item.

Almost all of my items in my other booths that sold to “outsiders” (people not members of bonanza) just created their account that day so it shows as a new account.

If you are uncomfortable shipping to a different address, ask them to add the different address to their paypal account, pp does allow that to be done.

answered over 8 years ago

Perhaps the item is a gift being sent directly to the recipient? Check with the buyer to confirm, but do not ship until a response from buyer has been received.If buyer does not respond within a reasonable amount of time, cancel & refund.

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

stuffyouneed says: October 06, 2015

Even if it is a gift PayPal should show it as the ship to. Otherwise you are not covered with the seller protection plan.

I have 26 family members…to whom I constantly ship to…Neither I nor they want their address all over the place…so truthfully I email back and forth and confirm everything the buyer, and I usually ship to address…

All independent sites (including my own), have the option of adding billing and shipping addresses….and most use paypal, and I doubt that every single one requires the buyer to add the address to paypal…they would not have any business…if they did

I have a big family, don’t want my business, I can go somewhere else…

But it is up to you..and what you fill comfortable with…to me..if it is anywhere else besides ebay, (after all the rule was made because of all the ebay scammers anyway), I have no problem complying..with requests (just make sure it is a request from the owner of the account)…

PS if they used PP as the credit card processor but do not have a paypal account…it really would not not matter what PP rules are…it is what the credit card company says

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth
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Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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