Few views and no sales?

I am not a Bonanza member but I have a Bonanza booth…I’ve chosen the mid-level for advertising. I have very few views and have not sold anything on Bonanze in the last three months. Do other sellers have a problem with few views and no sales?

asked almost 3 years ago

6 Answers

This is the slow time of the year for sales, summer time always is. Great time however to amp up your booth and get ready for the holiday months. Another thing to remember is to constantly add new product. I myself have close to 2900 items listed but still during this time of year do not get to many sales here (I do sell thru other venues as well). Also, with Bonanza you have to do much of your own advertising thru various social media outlets. Also keep in mind that with everyone Googling everything before purchasing if your pricing isn’t either close or lower to most, buyers move on. This is a great site, but, unfortunately many do not even know it exists. Hopefully in time that will change. Good Luck!

answered almost 3 years ago

1 Comment

eplight says: July 05, 2021

Could you please tell me about your average monthly sales? Give us some hope.

Every “time of year” is the “slow time of year” here on Bonanza. My sales on ebay are steady but my sales here are few & far between even with close to 350 listings up. If you are here selling to make money this isn’t the place to be. I sell $1000.00+ a month on ebay compared to $0.00 here. Selling is extra money for me but if I had to depend on Bonanza for income I’d starve to death & be in bankruptcy. So don’t expect much from this site. I attempt to sell here but I don’t buy here as Bonanza doesn’t have any protection for either buyers or sellers. I have both buyer & seller protection with ebay. One of my recent sales here was a disaster~~the buyer stopped payment after he received the item and Bonanza wouldn’t even credit my seller fees so I was out the item, the shipping cost & seller fees. The buyer is still free to screw more sellers out of $$ here because Bonanza doesn’t care.

answered almost 3 years ago

Some do well, some don’t

Smaller booths with used items (depends on what they are) do tend to be slower

My sales are strongest during the holiday season…

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

From what I read and experience, it’s the slow time of year because people are doing outside activities and not on the computer. It’s hard to say… could be the very high heat in a lot of places around the country. The 4th holiday approaching, vacation plans. All you can do is look ahead and try to add to your listings.

Also a good time for maintenance on your listings, such as checking the photos… which can just disappear on older listings (although YOU still see the main photo), there are none when you open the listing! So you need to click on “Edit” and make sure there are pics there still. And also sometimes shipping drops off, or needs to be adjusted.

answered almost 3 years ago

I m new to Bonanza I listed 18 items now I do the social media advertising also I have some views per day but no sales yet I want to know are we have a paypal jail as sellers in ebay?

answered almost 3 years ago

1 Comment

TrinketBox says: July 03, 2021


Thank you, everyone, for offering to help with my problem of no sales and few views. I still have had no sales…however, I am trying to sell items with a low enough price. Any lower, and after paying for shipping plus fees, I would be giving my things away. I would rather just give everything to my favorite thrift shop….and save myself from time spent on the computer and time spent at the Post Office for nothing in return.

answered almost 3 years ago

1 Comment

skateboardgeek says: December 10, 2021

Hi Dutchlady,

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