Glass experts! help!

I have this piece that I just cannot find anything like it. Maybe a spooner? Glass is a bit lighter weight. It has an applied girl and flowers on the front with a faded background image. I am trying to figure out age and maker.

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asked almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth


ZiggyZool says: September 10, 2014

Just letting you know I posted this on my facebook page asking for help. I’ve several very knowledgeable glass friends who I’m hoping will have an answer for you..![URL removed]

Tortuga says: September 10, 2014


1 Answer

Wow! That is really nice.

Definitely looks blown. Is it possibly English, Irish, or Scottish.

If no one answers this for you before hand…I will give a look in my reference books tomorrow…which deal with mostly EAPG. I know there is a book out there on English, Irish, and Scottish glass. I have seen it on Etsy. I don’t believe I have seen it here. You could possibly do a search on any site “book reference European” . I really don’t think this is American…but, like I said, I will give a quick look in my books tomorrow. And, of course, I could be wrong…but the motif does not seem to be an early American design. This is my somewhat educated guess. Sorry, that is all I have.

Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I will come thru for ya.

Good luck with it.

Nice Find!!!

answered almost 10 years ago


Tortuga says: September 10, 2014

Thanks! I got it from someone who had a lot of EAPG glass. I do believe it is blown with a ground down pontil. It is super cool

wacathook says: September 10, 2014

Tort, I am assuming that you got an answer by now. – MaryAnn

wacathook says: September 10, 2014

I checked my books. I don’t have a clue. Sorry.

Tortuga says: September 10, 2014

Thanks for checking! I’ll check out that book on foreign glass as soon as possible

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Viewed: 1179 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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